High Performance

High-performance building goes far beyond “green” or “sustainable,” words whose meanings have become a bit diluted and muddled over time. At Allegiant Contractors, high-performance building is the nexus of art, science, physics, architecture, engineering, materials, and craftsmanship.

Our high-performance practices result in buildings that are beautiful and functional; stylish and reliable; innovative and practical; efficient and comfortable. And durable—we build for now and for the generations that follow.

It starts with how we site the building, which in turn guides the design process. We work with our clients, architects, and engineers to create building systems (external/thermal envelope, heating/cooling, plumbing, electrical/lighting, glazing, etc.) that strike the perfect balance of style, real-world practicality and efficiency, and we design for our specific climate. We help our clients navigate the selection of equipment, fixtures, appliances, etc. that will work well and look great. Our experience and building science expertise gives our clients and architects the freedom to make aesthetic decisions without sacrificing building performance.

Perhaps most importantly, we deliver all of this with a fierce dedication to customer service and client satisfaction with the entire process, start to finish.

The result is efficient, beautiful, healthy, and comfortable buildings that delight the senses and surpass the test of time, delivered on time and on budget to very happy clients.

High-Performance Building Accreditations and Certifications

  • Graduate Master Builder (through NAHB)
  • Master Certified Green Professional (NAHB)
  • ARCSA Certified Rainwater Installer
  • Certified Passive House Builder (through PHIUS)
  • Austin Energy Green Building Program participant

Please contact us to discuss your inspiration.